Grand Targhee Resort Photography

Living at the base of Grand Targhee Resort in Teton Valley, Idaho has offered photo opportunities in four seasons. Going back to the same places repeatedly has advantages.

Grand Targhee Ski Area, as seen from Teton Valley.

Peak fall foliage and summer wildflowers often only last a week. Being a “weather junkie” has helped me to identify unusual weather opportunities. Because the resort closed early in the season at the height of the covid pandemic, there were some pristine powder conditions with a few people earning their turns.

There is world class scenery at Grand Targhee #7 with outrageous views of the Grand Teton and adjacent public lands. Hikers, mountain bikers and skiers have all been generous models

Grand Targhee Resort is part of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem which is threatened by climate change and by encroachment and poor planning on private land. Grand Targhee Resort is also bordered by the Jedediah Smith Wilderness. Grand Targhee is attempting to expand onto adjacent public land.

The Jedediah Smith Wilderness, adjacent to Grand Targhee Ski Area.

The resultant Avalanche control noise  would ruin the tranquility of  several hundreds of folks #17 who use Teton Canyon to ski, snowshoe and walk every week. Views from the Grand Teton, Table Mountain, Teton Canyon, and the Valley would be markedly impaired and wildlife would be displaced.

My responsibility as a fine art and environmental photographer is to show beauty as well as what we stand to lose.

New York Times climate change editorial article published today with my Photography.


I was thrilled when the Tongass National Forest got protected a couple of days ago. That is a huge deal at 18 million acres, and including most of SE Alaska. Unfortunately, It is too easy to cut trees there and ship them to Asia. A Temperate Rainforest is much more rare than a tropical rainforest. I had donated some photos to the Wilderness Society a couple of years ago and I that is where the New York Times saw my photo. I don’t get many phone calls from the NYT,  so my photo getting used for their climate change editorial is another reason for celebration.  The article implies that we and the Biden administration could make much progress on climate change, and no one would notice unless they could measure carbon.

 First photo below from Haines Alaska appeared in the New York Times article 7/18/2021.

Hiker admires view of Chilkat Inlet from Mount Riley near Haines, Tongass National Forest, Southeast Alaska.

Hiker admires view of Chilkat Inlet from Mount Riley near Haines, Tongass National Forest, Southeast Alaska.

Indian Paintbrush(Castilleja spp), Lupine, Fireweed & Icebergs, Russell Fjord Wilderness, Tongass National Forest, Alaska.

Indian Paintbrush(Castilleja spp), Lupine, Fireweed & Icebergs, Russell Fjord Wilderness, Tongass National Forest, Alaska.

Western Hemlock & lichen, temperate rainforest, Tongass National Forest, near Ketchikan, Alaska.

Western Hemlock & lichen, temperate rainforest, Tongass National Forest, near Ketchikan, Alaska.

Black Bear Fishing for Salmon at Anan Wildlife Observatory near Wrangell, Alaska

Black Bear Fishing for Salmon at Anan Wildlife Observatory near Wrangell, Alaska

Howard Hughes Medical Institute Gallery Show

I am excited about my upcoming exhibit at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute this coming November and December 2021. As we emerge from our relative covid isolation, it is a celebration to share my work with a group of talented scientists and professionals.

Thinking Gorilla

Thinking Gorilla

The Wildlife Of The Tetons Often Keeps Me Busy

The Mammals and Birds of Grand Teton and Yellowstone National Park are close to my home in Teton Valley Idaho. Usually I pack up my truck camper for a couple of days. I try to have two cameras ready. One is for wildlife and the other is for landscapes. Bears are the big prize, but Songbirds, Birds of Prey, Moose, Elk , and Deer are most welcome.

spring, elk, National Elk Refuge, mountain, snow, Jackson Hole, wyoming, Grand Teton, National Park, Yellowstone, north america, usa, wapiti

In Springtime, Grazing Elk have recently left the National Elk Refuge in Jackson Hole, Wyoming and are on their way to Grand Teton National Park and Yellowstone

Driggs, Idaho, aspen, bird, green, red, songbird, North America, USA, Cassin’s Finch, tree,

A Cassin’s Finch visits our feeder on an Aspen Tree in Teton Valley

Tree Swallow, Grand Teton, National Park, Wyoming, color, blue, iridescent, yellow, USA, North America

This Tree Swallow in Grand Teton National Park tolerated my presence for hours

mother, moose, Grand Teton, National Park, nurture, protect, newborn, Wyoming, North America, USA, green, spring, maternal wildlife

This Mother Moose in Grand Teton National Park has a full time job nurturing and protecting her newborn calf.

newborn moose, baby moose, Grand Teton National Park, explore, green, spring, North America, USA

This Newborn Moose in Grand Teton National Park is exploring its world near the Snake River.

Red Fox, vulpes, hunt, Arrowleaf Balsamroot, yellow, wildflower, Grand Teton, National Park, Jackson Hole, Wyoming, North America, USA, jump, leap

Red Fox is hunting amongst Arrowleaf Balsam root in Grand Teton National Park near Jackson Hole

Teton Valley, Driggs, Idaho, herd, mule deer, Christmas, ornament, humor, Teton, valley, snow, evergreen, north america, USA, snow, winter

This herd of Mule Deer is visiting our Christmas Ornament in Teton Valley

Great Friends and Wonderful Athletes to Work With

Having patient friends and working with athletes who have tolerated my camera have allowed me to capture some memorable photographs.

adventure, ski, angulation, winter, backcountry, athlete, Jackson Hole, Wyoming, North America, USA, athlete, snow, Teton

Paul Kimbrough guided me to Taylor Peak, a place I wanted to ski for 30 years.

Ancient, Limber Pine, Big Cottonwood, Wasatch, snow, winter, tree, Utah, snag

An old snag like this makes one pause even when the powder is outrageous.

Black and White, landscape, Palisades, winter, snow, evergreen, Idaho, North America, USA,

I love the view of the Palisades from Oliver Peak

snow, ski, tracks, Idaho, Teton, evergreen, powder, backcountry, north america, UsA, skiing, Jackson Hole, Wyoming

Just Can’t get enough of Winter

Grand Targhee, winter, ski, snow, powder, male, athlete, Wyoming, ski resort, adventure, resort, USA, North America, mountain

We made the best of it when Grand Targhee closed early because of pandemic

South Georgia and the Falkland Islands

I had an amazing trip to the Southern Hemisphere, South Georgia and Falkland Islands. There were some superb photographers on this trip, and I learned much.

So. Georgia was devastated by whale and seal hunters in the early 1900s.  The ships brought rats which greatly diminished the bird populations.

In the last 20 yrs they have poisoned the rats without poisoning the other species, and it has been a successful environmental restoration. South Georgia and the Falklands have incredible biodiversity with hundreds of bird and mammal species.

 I wonder what would be restored in our society if we eliminated the King Rat.

No one lives in South Georgia, so all the money for restoration has come from elsewhere. Please enjoy attached images.

Why I Moved to the Quiet Side of the Teton Mountains.

I moved to Driggs Idaho because the community spirit and proximity to wild places, wildlife, backcountry and alpine skiing, and fishing. Grand Targhee Ski Resort is low key, friendly,and also provides great skiing and mountain biking. There are spectacular views of the west side of the Tetons and the Grand Teton. The weather here changes frequently and every season provides inspiration for my photography. Because of the cloud formations, I keep a camera in my vehicle most of the time. It is not unusual to have to interrupt my dinner and run outside. The outrageous clouds and lighting may only last for a minute or two. Two of the photographs below were taken from my driveway.

Jedediah Smith Wilderness and Teton Crest Trail in peak wildflower season. It takes a snowy, wet year for the Monkey Flowers to be abundant.

Jedediah Smith Wilderness and Teton Crest Trail in peak wildflower season. It takes a snowy, wet year for the Monkey Flowers to be abundant.

In order to block out a neighbor house, I crouched in a drainage ditch at the end of my driveway to get this photograph in October 2018.

In order to block out a neighbor house, I crouched in a drainage ditch at the end of my driveway to get this photograph in October 2018.

A huge bonus to a frosty cold morning in the wetlands near the Teton River Valley in Driggs , Idaho were a couple of cow moose and a Magpie.

A huge bonus to a frosty cold morning in the wetlands near the Teton River Valley in Driggs , Idaho were a couple of cow moose and a Magpie.

This image was taken Sept , 2018 at Grand Targhee Resort. The cumulus and lenticular clouds were a wonderful compliment to the orange Aspens.

This image was taken Sept , 2018 at Grand Targhee Resort. The cumulus and lenticular clouds were a wonderful compliment to the orange Aspens.

Click here to see more of my photos of the Teton Mountains

Because of the many photo opportunities and friendly atmosphere at Grand Targhee Resort, I am motivated to teach a nature photo workshop there. My next workshop is scheduled for September 13, 14, 15 of 2019. It will be wonderful to work with professional photographers Jeff Foott and Judith Zimmerman. We all love to teach. With three instructors, we can customize teaching from basic to advanced topics. We will demonstrate optimization of images using Adobe Lightroom . There will be three full days of class and field opportunities. Class is limited to 15 participants. Please call for more information . 801-450-3770.

Wildlife of the Teton Mountains

Grizzly Mother and Cub who spent two weeks near Togwotee Pass, highway, and Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming, to be safe from male bears. This is the famous bear 399 who has mothered many cubs within Grand Teton National Park. Grizzly Bears are currently an endangered species protected by the federal government; however if Wyoming has its way this bear could be hunted. Thank you to the Greater Yellowstone Coalition and NRDC for continuing the battle to keep a magnificent species safe.

Mother Grizzly Bear with Cub of the Year. Cub has natal collar

Mother Grizzly Bear with Cub of the Year. Cub has natal collar

This took place 50 feet from the highway with 30 people watching. Mother was very calm.

This took place 50 feet from the highway with 30 people watching. Mother was very calm.

Mother and cub even crossed the highway as 30 folks watched. I pray that this bear does not become habituated to people.

Mother and cub even crossed the highway as 30 folks watched. I pray that this bear does not become habituated to people.

Wild Horses on the Pony Express Trail

It was wonderful to photograph these wild horses on Pony Express Road.  Wildlife photography is most enjoyable when animals have no fear of people.  This usually happens in national parks and wildlife refuges. Evidently these horses haven’t been rounded up or harassed very much. I started photographing with long lenses. 

These stallions fighting were a pleasant surprise at the end of the day. The best wildlife photography seems to take place within seconds before it is over.

The cutest newborn pony was curious about my partner Patti. She was having so much fun, but I had to warn her about this pony knocking over her tripod or taking a bite out of her camera.

I had to switch to a wide angle lens when they allowed me to get up close and personal. The mother seemed to be very proud of her foal. This was the most photogenic group I saw all day.

 This was the last photo from the day. I look forward to going out there to camp soon so I can spend a full day with the herd.

Howie Garber Digital Nature Photography Course

Intermediate Digital Nature Photography Class

Friday April 7,2017   6 hr session


Midway Pano1.jpg

Included will be a two-hour session on post production/ development using Adobe Lightroom Class size is limited to 6

We will spend time with composition, lighting, polarization, histogram analysis, hyperfocal distance, sharpness and equipment.

Will also be discussed:

•       When should you use aperture priority or auto iso programs

•       When to use fill flash

•       When to use auto vs manual focus….   

•       What are important camera controls?  

•       Camera stabilization techniques will be discussed

It is assumed that participants know the basics of F-stops, exposure, and shutter speed

Howie’s images have won 4 awards in the BBC Wildlife Photographer of the Year Contest. One of his polar bear images is part of the Smithsonian Museum permanent collection.  His book Utah’s Wasatch Range: 4 Season Refuge won a 2014 Ben Franklin Silver medal from the Independent Book publishers.

"Howie is a great teacher and I was able to learn more from this class than from six months of experience in the field!”  

Please call or email Howie Garber 801-450-3770


Bonanza Flats Fundraiser and Fine Art Photography Exhibit

It was wonderful that so many people turned out to my most recent photography exhibit on behalf of the Bonanza Flats purchase. In my 30 years of involvement with planning in the Wasatch Mountains, I have never seen 10 environmental organizations pool their resources on behalf of a common cause. Through selling numerous of my fine art prints & books, we were able to make a sizable donation to go towards the purchase of Bonanza Flats.

Bonanza Flats is a high altitude meadow that sits between Guardsman Pass and Empire Pass outside of Park City, Utah. It will hopefully remain wildlife habitat with multiple recreation uses for many years to come. Because of a huge community effort, there will be public access to two lakes. Unfortunately this all comes at a cost, currently Bonanza Flats is valued at $38,000,000. Through grassroots community efforts 35 million of this has already been accounted for. Only 3 more million is needed to protect one of the few remaining high altitude meadows in the Wasatch Mountains.

For more info on how you can help please visit

Fall Colors in Midway

Due to the intense reds from peaking Big Tooth Maples near Midway Utah, I returned to an area where I had been two days earlier. It seems that in two days the aspens had also started to change.

People manifest their need for excitement in many different ways.

I was so excited about the peaking reds that I returned with my truck and camper for an evening followed up by a morning session. It was an impulsive, or possibly a destructive testosterone surge that made me head up a steep rocky dirt road. There were several times when I asked why I had done this.

I heard some strange noises from the rear of my truck and realized that my camper was rocking in the truck bed and had in fact broken loose from 4 turn buckles. I felt shaken by my roots.

It was too late in the day to even think about dealing with this. I was comforted by the fact that the camper would not fall off the truck bed going downhill and it was mostly downhill to get home.

The light was mostly spent for the day, but it was not too late to walk a mile or so uphill to see where I could focus my energies in the morning.  Despite walking a mile or so uphill, I came to the conclusion that the best morning shooting was within a few hundred yards of where my injured truck and I would spend the evening.  Thin clouds in the morning intensified the colors and provided hours of great shooting under soft light.

It was a relief to delay the tenuous drive home wondering if my camper and truck would get separated.

Looking at the results of my work, it is the first time I have ever thought about making colors less saturated on the computer. I didn’t want the photos to look fake in any way. I strive to present my photographs as they appear in nature.