Introducing “Alta and Little Cottonwood Canyon: Jewel of the Wasatch”
As a passionate advocate for preserving our natural treasures, I’m thrilled to present my book, Alta and Little Cottonwood Canyon: Jewel of the Wasatch. This project is the culmination of 30 years of capturing the breathtaking beauty of northern Utah, a region I hold dear and one that’s under increasing threat from overdevelopment.
This book isn’t just a collection of images—it’s a call to action. Alongside my photography, I’ve included stunning work from nine other talented photographers to tell the story of Little Cottonwood Canyon, its critical role as a watershed, and its rugged beauty. You’ll find essays from geologists, ski guides, conservationists, and more, all sharing their unique perspectives on why this place must be preserved.
My inspiration for this book grew out of the pressing need to address the challenges Little Cottonwood Canyon faces, particularly the controversial proposal to build an 8-mile gondola through this iconic landscape. This project is my way of contributing to the conversation, showcasing the canyon’s unmatched value as a recreational haven and vital ecosystem.
By purchasing this book, you’re not only experiencing the majesty of the Wasatch—you’re also supporting Friends of Alta. 100% of the proceeds go directly to this nonprofit, which is leading efforts to protect the canyon, including a lawsuit challenging the gondola proposal.
This is more than a book—it’s a visual journey, a history, and a rallying cry for anyone who loves the mountains. Join me in celebrating and protecting the jewel of the Wasatch.
Price: $100
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100% of book proceeds benefit Friends of Alta, a 5013c organization that has filed a lawsuit challenging the Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) decision to install a Gondola in Little Cottonwood Canyon.
Contributing writers include: Howie Garber, project coordinator; Laura Briefer, MPA, Director of Salt Lake City Public Utilities; William T. Parry, Professor Emeritus at the University of Utah Department of Geology and Geophysics; Allison Jones, Conservation Biologist and Consultant; Grace Tyler, Development Director: Save Our Canyons; Alex Schmidt, public lands activist; Cassie Levitt Dippo, Friends of Alta: President Emerita; Bruce Tremper, retired director of Utah Avalanche Center, author of Staying Alive in Avalanche Terrain; Brad Barber, former Economic Adviser to three Utah Governors and Deputy Director of the Governor's Office of Planning and Budget; Ralph Becker, Mayor of Salt Lake City, 2008–2015; Ayja Bounous, author of Shaped by Snow and Junior Bounous and the Joys of Skiing; and Erme Catino, journalist, educator, and guide.
Contributing Photographers: Howie Garber, Robert Athey, (Wizard of the Wasatch) , Louis Arevalo, Wray Sinclair, Mary McIntyre, Bruce Tremper, Stephen Trimble, Bryant Olsen, James Zebrack, Wray Sinclair, and Mimi Levitt