Grand Targhee Resort Photography

Living at the base of Grand Targhee Resort in Teton Valley, Idaho has offered photo opportunities in four seasons. Going back to the same places repeatedly has advantages.

Grand Targhee Ski Area, as seen from Teton Valley.

Peak fall foliage and summer wildflowers often only last a week. Being a “weather junkie” has helped me to identify unusual weather opportunities. Because the resort closed early in the season at the height of the covid pandemic, there were some pristine powder conditions with a few people earning their turns.

There is world class scenery at Grand Targhee #7 with outrageous views of the Grand Teton and adjacent public lands. Hikers, mountain bikers and skiers have all been generous models

Grand Targhee Resort is part of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem which is threatened by climate change and by encroachment and poor planning on private land. Grand Targhee Resort is also bordered by the Jedediah Smith Wilderness. Grand Targhee is attempting to expand onto adjacent public land.

The Jedediah Smith Wilderness, adjacent to Grand Targhee Ski Area.

The resultant Avalanche control noise  would ruin the tranquility of  several hundreds of folks #17 who use Teton Canyon to ski, snowshoe and walk every week. Views from the Grand Teton, Table Mountain, Teton Canyon, and the Valley would be markedly impaired and wildlife would be displaced.

My responsibility as a fine art and environmental photographer is to show beauty as well as what we stand to lose.